We all shared a turn at making contacts and logging. I’m pleased to say we managed to make 153 contacts. 20 meters was difficult Saturday and Sunday. 40 meters was nice Saturday night!
Duffie McLamb
WTRA held the annual Field Day event in Suffolk, VA on June 26 & 27, 2021. The club score for the event was 1,040!
Congratulations to all who participated in this event! Thanks to Duffie McLamb, KM4KBL, for coordinating this year’s event! And to Stu Tyler, WA4JUO for providing the event location on Wilroy Road! On June 27 and 28, members of the Western Tidewater Radio Association participated in the annual ARRL Field Day. This year, due to coronavirus restrictions, the ARRL allowed members to operate from home and aggregate scores for a club total. Through the use of N3FJP Field Day Logging software, use of the N3FJP Club Score Processor and some last-minute work by Ron N4TJI, each station was able to upload score updates which were then presented on a webpage (see image). Participating at the Field Day site at the Windsor Police Station were KA7HBH, N4DIR, KK4PVE, KM4EBT, KJ4HMZ, WA4JUO and WB4KZI. Operating from their home stations were W4DXZ, N4KIT, WB4GUH and W4RGN (our CW ace in the hole!).
The club’s total QSO count is 517 with final score to be determined. Many thanks to all for another successful field day! In late 2019, in light of recent reorganization within the Virginia Department of Emergency Management and development of the ARRL ARES Plan, Virginia Section leadership formed a steering committee to evaluate the ARRL ARES program and recommend changes to the organizational structure for 2020 and beyond. As a result of that work, a number of changes are in process with the Virginia ARES Organization.
Background One of the concepts within the National Incident Management System (NIMS) is “Span of Control”. This concept dictates that a single person should ideally “manage” from 3 to 7 persons or entities. Virginia ARES was organized as 15 Districts, all reporting to a single Section Emergency Coordinator. In keeping with span of control principles, Virginia Department of Emergency Management reorganized into five Regions within the state, each with it’s own office and staff. We are in VDEM Region 5, with it’s office in the VDOT building in north Suffolk. Changes to Virginia ARES On the recommendation of the ARES steering committee, effective February 1, 2020, Virginia ARES is now defined in five Districts that match up with the VDEM region. We are in District 5 (see the ARES page on this website for a map) which encompasses all of the jurisdictions that touch water between the Carolina line and the Potomac River, plus Southampton County – combining all or parts of old Districts 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Last week, a steering committee for the new District 5 met in Hampton and began the process of organizing the new District. Terry Buzzard KA8TNF agreed to be the District Emergency Coordinator (DEC). It was also decided to organize “sub-districts” or “subdivisions” – name yet to be decided – along the lines of the old Districts. The sub-divisions are Rappahannock, First Colony, Eastern Shore, Southern Tidewater and Western Tidewater. The new Western Tidewater sub-division consists of Isle of Wight county, Southampton county, City of Franklin and Surry county, and Randy Grigg WB4KZI will be the ADEC (Assistant District Emergency Coordinator) for our area. ARES Connect In order for us Emergency Coordinators to maintain an accurate roster and to accurately report Em Comm activity in our jurisdictions, it is vital that volunteers register in the ARES Connect volunteer database. This allows us to be able to present up-to-date rosters of volunteers to our local Emergency Managers which in turn registers you automatically as a RACES service volunteer. If you have not done so already, please go to https://arrl.volunteerhub.com/lp/va to register in ARES Connect and please let me know when you have done so that I can get you properly assigned to our team. 73 for now, Chris – N4KIT Emergency Coordinator / Emergency Radio Officer Isle of Wight County by Butch Moore
Ron Harvey, W4RRH is the WTRA Ham of the Year for 2019! Congratulations Ron! Well deserved for all of your hard work and support to the club! by Butch Moore
WTRA held its annual Christmas party on Friday December 6, 2019 at the Isle of Wight Rescue Squad. Thanks to Stu WA4JUO and Linda, as well as Glen KA7HBH and Grace for all their hard work and effort in organizing this event. A good time was had by all! Thank you! by Butch Moore
WTRA was on hand for the dedication of the new Jamestown Ferry, the Powhatan. WTRA operated a “special event” station to commemorate the event. Thanks to John Jacobs, KA1UGM and Stu Tyler, WA4JUO for organizing this event. by Butch Moore
The Labor Day Eye Ball QSO on Monday September 2 at DQ in Windsor went really great! Attendance was good and our special guest, Rebekah Brown (KJ4WCK) was there with her baby girl, husband, and father (KJ4HMZ). The WTRA presented Rebekah with a $500 scholarship to help with her attendance at NC State University this fall! Congratulations Rebekah! And best of luck! by Butch Moore
WTRA had a great field day this year good turn out, good food, great help and good operating fun! And Good Fellowship, great weather, and did I say fun operating?! Absolutely!!! by Butch Moore
WTRA Radio Club members activated W4T on Tangier Island for the 2019 Virginia QSO Party. Operators for the event were Glen KA7HBH, Stu WA4JUO, Greg N4DIR, and Dave KK4PVE. Congratulations on a very successful activation! |
AuthorW4RBH Archives
December 2024