WTRA Membership
Full membership to the WTRA is open to anyone holding a valid amateur radio license. Annual WTRA dues are $25 per member, payable in full by the first day of the new calendar year and delinquent as of the last day of February. Members wishing to join after the end of June will be assessed prorated dues of $12.50 to cover the remainder of the fiscal year.
The annual dues to the WTRA cover you and all members of your immediate family living in the same household.
Any family member that achieves their amateur radio license during the membership year will be awarded full membership for the remainder of the year.
Whether your amateur radio interests are public service, emergency communications support, contesting, DXing, VHF/UHF, satellites, digital modes, slow-scan television or any of the other many fascinating facets of out hobby, we would be glad to have you as a member of the Club!