![]() Presentation By Dick Harrell, W4RBH Dick Harrell, W4RBH, gave a presentation on the “Decommissioning of the ham radio station at the Virginia Air and Space Museum”. More information on the KE4KZW museum station can be found on QRZ as well as a story published by the ARRL when the station was closed. Proposed Change to the Constitution At the April 9th club meeting a proposal was introduced and approved by the members present to change what constitutes a quorum under Article IV of our constitution. The proposal would reduce the requirement from 25% to 15% of the voting membership. Unfortunately we did not have a quorum of 13 members to take the final vote on the proposed change and the issue was tabled until the next club meeting. It is important to attend this meeting in person or send a proxy vote as allowed by Article 7. Article 7 of the constitution allows any voting member knowingly unable to attend a business meeting due to circumstances beyond his/her control and wishing to vote on issues identified prior to the business meeting may vote on those issues by proxy. The proxy vote must be in writing, signed by the absent voting member, and be presented at the business meeting in a sealed envelope by a voting member present. The issue being voted on shall be identified on the outside of the envelope. A separate envelope is required for each issue being voted on by proxy. Christmas Party, Saturday, December 3, 2022 A tentative date of Saturday, December 3, 2022 was set for the 2022 Christmas party and planning is underway. Details will be posted as they become available.
AuthorW4RBH Archives
December 2024