Minutes Western Tidewater Radio Club
November 14, 2022 The meeting of the Western Tidewater Radio Association, Inc. was called to order by Randy Grigg-WB4ZKI-Vice President at 7: 09 P. M. President Duffie McLamb, Jr.-KM4LBL was absent due to a Work commitment. G. Stewart Tyler WA4JUO presented the minutes in print from the August 8, 2022 meeting for the Western Tidewater Radio Association, Inc. since the Secretary Peter Horman-KO4ERT was absent. A motion to approve the minutes was offered by Arthur SingletonKM4EBT. Glen Little-KA7HBH offered a second to the motion. The minutes were approved by those in attendance. Richard Harell-W4RBH-Treasurer presented the financial report for the Western Tidewater Radio Association, Inc. and passed copy around for the attendees to view. John Jacobs-KA1UGM made the motion to accept the treasures report. Rob Wilson KB4HMZ offered a second to the motion. The membership in attendance voted to accept the verbal report after viewing the report as passed around. Richard Harrell-W4RBH Treasures and a member of the repeater committee offered a report on the operations of the two (2) repeaters. The problem with the hum on the 147.195/147.795 was discussed. It appears the hum is coming from the amplifier. Supposedly the ARES Chair Randy Grigg-WB4KZI is considering requesting the county to purchase a new amp flier for the repeater. Glen Little–KA7HBH noted that the audio on the Echo Link and IRLP need to be adjusted as these modes are experiencing low audio. Old Business: Randy Grigg-Vice President-WB4KZI announced the annual Christmas Party would be held at the Villas Clubhouse on December 3, 2022 between the hours of 5:0000 P. M. and 8:00 P. M. President Duffie McLamb-KM4KBL and his wife Annette would be hosting the event. Q-Daddy’s is catering and members are requested to bring a side dish. Richard Harrell-W4RBH-Treasurer announced the W4VX-Chris Hanslit would be giving up the hosting of our web site as of January 1, 2023. Chris and his wife had hosted the web site free since 1997. Don Curnutte-WB8SCG has agreed to assist with the hosting of the web site for the Western Tidewater Radio Association, Inc. Don advised the membership the minimum fee to the provider is approximately $160.00 per year with no email service. A discussion was held between Richard Harrell-W4RBH-treasurer and Randy Grigg, Vice Pressident-WB4ZKI as to the alternatives to the email server, to no avail. The members in attendance unanimously approved Don Curnutte as the Web master for the Western Tidewater Radio Association, Inc. G. Stewart Tyler-WA4JUO made a motion to increase the annual dues of the Tidewater Radio Association, Inc. to $25.00 per year per household. KA7HBH seconded the motion. Discussion ensued until Don Curnette-WB8SCG offered an amendment to defer the dues increase motion to the annual meeting January 9, 2023. The amended motion passed on a divided vote. Randy Grigg, Vice President-WB4ZKI gave his usual report on the lack of ARES participation and announced that Butch Moore-W4DXZ would be stepping down as Town Of Smithfield ARES representative as of January 1, 2023 due to other commitments. Randy WB4KZI will be looking for a replacement for Butch. Glen Little-KA7HBH made the motion to adjourn the business meeting of the Western Tide Water Radio Association, Inc. be closed. A second was made by John Jacobs-KA1UGM. On a voice vote approving, the meeting adjourned. The program was given by Ira & Paula Swartz on the HEART communications centers in Hampton Roads, Virginia on Hampton Roads Hospital Communications during an emergency. Submitted by G. Stewart Tyler, Acting Secretary
AuthorW4RBH Archives
December 2024