In February of 2020, Virginia ARES was reorganized into seven districts from the former 15 in order to bring the geographic boundaries into alignment with the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) Regions. In the previous alignment, our “service area” was whole contained within the former District 10 encompassing the counties of Greenville, Isle of Wight, Southampton, Surry and Sussex. The new District 5 is much larger and encompasses Accomack, Chesapeake, Gloucester, Hampton, Isle of Wight, James City, Lancaster, Matthews, Middlesex, Northampton, Northumberland, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Poquoson, Richmond, Southampton, Suffolk, Surry, Westmoreland, York and Virginia Beach. Our “service area” is now the Western Tidewater area of District 5 encompassing Isle of Wight, Southampton and Surry counties.
district 5 leadership
District Emergency Coordinator
Terry Buzzard – KA8TNF ADEC5 – Western Tidewater (Old District 10) Randy Grigg – WB4KZI ADEC5- South Tidewater (Old District 9) Terry Buzzard, KA8TNF ADEC5- Eastern Shore (Old District 8) Vacant ADEC5- First Colony (Old District 7) Edward (Ed) Shuman, WD0FYV ADEC5- Rappahannock (Old District 5) Vacant |
Western tidewater leadership
Assistant District Emergency Coordinator
Randy Grigg – WB4KZI Emergency Coordinator – Isle of Wight Steve Kellberg - KZ4AT Assistant Emergency Coordinator – Admin Lyle Piner – N4ACK Assistant Emergency Coordinator – Smithfield Vacant Assistant Emergency Coordinator – Windsor Vacant Assistant Emergency Coordinator – Traffic/Nets Glen Little – KA7HBH Emergency Coordinator – Southampton/Franklin Vacant Emergency Coordinator – Surry Dean Madden - WB4GUH |